I'm just writing in to say thanks for a wonderful blog. I don't know how you manage to put it together every week and I just wish we had one where I live. Thanks once again.
I thought that this was supposed to be a serious blog debating serious issues like dog muck. If people keep writing in with silly messages and pretending to be called Barbara then I for one will not be subscribing to this magazine anymore.
I'm writing to say that it's alright for the council to slap all these ASBOs on antisocial songbirds but when are they going to have any effect? My husband is still being disturbed by irritating bird song when he's ironing my uniform at 5 o'clock every morning!
'A scurrilous and gratuitously offensive attack on my esteemed
organ. And after all my hard work and self sacrifice. For full details of all my hard work and self sacrifice please see any issue of my popular and much loved magazine' -The Editor, Talk of the Town.......................
Talk of the Town.... Raising the industry standard in smugness, croneyism and new age god bothering bollocks.
Dear Saltburn Subversives,
I'm just writing in to say thanks for a wonderful blog. I don't know how you manage to put it together every week and I just wish we had one where I live. Thanks once again.
I am writing to complain about all the dog muck all over the place. Have these people never heard of pooper scoopers?
Dear Blog,
Why are all the correspondents to your gracious organ called Barbara?
Barbara 'Babs' Barbarington
Bugger this.
let's go to the pub.
I thought that this was supposed to be a serious blog debating serious issues like dog muck. If people keep writing in with silly messages and pretending to be called Barbara then I for one will not be subscribing to this magazine anymore.
I'm writing to say that it's alright for the council to slap all these ASBOs on antisocial songbirds but when are they going to have any effect?
My husband is still being disturbed by irritating bird song when he's ironing my uniform at 5 o'clock every morning!
We the ladies of Skelton protest most strongly at the treatment of our lovely town by your organ.
We would have you know that Skelton has the largest Pot-Noodle factory in Western Europe, if not the World!
Beat that Saltburn
Have I told you about my new computer?
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